Arko Sen
Design Leader
Experience Strategy, UX, CX, Media
They / them
de·sign / dɪˈzaɪn /
transitive verb
To create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan
To conceive and plan out in the mind
To have as a purpose
To devise for a specific function or end
To make a drawing, pattern, or sketch of
To draw the plans for
I took up my first major design project in 2003, back then, design meant making what the client wants.
I took up my first major design project in 2003, back then, design meant making what the client wants.
Now, armed with experience, technique and polish, I still mostly do the same, only difference is, now I try to make what the user needs.
Now, armed with experience, technique and polish, I still mostly do the same, only difference is, now I try to make what the user needs.